
NOTE:  The Town made no attempt to negotiate with the resident or hold a public hearing before voting on the item under the "Consent Agenda".  Another resident accidentally made a discovery of what the Town was about to do.  

Flower Mound Leader / February 2, 2015 / Chris Roark

FM council tables vote on land condemnation

          The Flower Mound Town Council on Monday voted to table an item that called for a resolution to bring condemnation on 0.585 acres of land west of FM 2499 and south of Sagebrush Drive.

          The condemnation would have given the town right-of-way off Bob White Lane necessary to construct a north-south road that would connect Sagebrush and Firewheel Drive.

          Town officials said the road is necessary to provide an alternative traffic route for motorists exiting the businesses located near Sagebrush and west of FM 2499 who wish to go north. The spine road has been part of the town's master plan since 1994, officials said. The project would also add trail and sidewalk connections in the area.

          Janvier Scott, who owns property where the town is seeking to obtain land, said she opposes the efforts but that it's not about money.

          “I don't want to sell my property for any price,” Scott said.

          Scott said she was also concerned that the proposed project would cut off her direct access to FM 2499.

          The council postponed the vote until the April 20 meeting to provide enough time for the town and the property owner to try to work out a compromise where the town wouldn't need as much right-of-way. Council members, however, stressed the need for some sort of solution to the traffic problem in that area.

          “I'm happy to give this more time,” said Councilman Bryan Webb. “But I don't want to kick it down the road for two years. The safety of the residents is impacted here.”