
Master Plan Amendment Lakeside 2013

Rick Lust, Flower Mound Mayor from 1988-1990

Letter to the Town Council December 7, 2013


Honorable Mayor and Council,

          I’m writing to express my concern and opposition to the proposed amendments to the master plan Item 18 and 19 on the Dec 2nd agenda relative to Lakeside. In particular item 18 changing the restrictions on commercial and residential uses and implementation of mixture of uses, and item 19 because it’s writing is way too vague and broad.

          A little history: Prior to 1980, Flower Mound’s zoning ordinances were based almost entirely on mixed-use zoning. Also referred to as cumulative or stacked zoning. The town observed what was happening in other municipalities regarding mixed-use zoning. Apartments were spreading everywhere and traffic was becoming a real problem. What had happened to bring this about?  Developers were requesting zoning to build commercial and retail to “broaden the tax base”. However, in many cases, because of mixed-use zoning, apartments were being built instead. The outcome was not pretty. Flower Mound observing this, re-wrote the entire zoning ordinance and removed mixed use (cumulative) zoning.

          The Master Plan, as well as our zoning ordinance, has been well thought out and calls for a balance of all housing types including apartments/multi-family and provides for a legally supportable percentage of each. To now include mixed-use in Lakeside (or any other project) opens the door to unplanned multi family and the unplanned-for burdens that that category can bring with it.

          In my opinion, if a developer wants a mixed-use development it should be clearly articulated in a PD ordinance so the Town has a reasonable expectation of what will actually develop. The mixed-use category leaves the Town vulnerable to the unexpected and un-planned for.

         Approving this amendment for Lakeside also opens the door to “let’s make a deal Monday nights” and never ending council meetings.

         Please consider not amending the Master Plan in this way. Maintain the plan’s integrity and the integrity of the Council as well.



 Rick Lust